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Frequently Asked Questions

Real Estate

Real Estate FAQ
Photo Shoot Details
Does someone need to be present?


Yes and then no. We need someone to let us into the property, but after that, you are free to leave!


How many photos will you deliver?


This varies based on a number of factors including size of the property and amount of detail in the home. However, you can expect delivery of at least 20 images and up to 50 for larger or more detailed homes. The average range is usually somewhere between 25-35 photos. My goal is to always highlight all the best aspects of the home without a specific number of photos set in mind. 



Will you move things or do any cleaning if the property isn't ready?


No (but yes, on a very small scale). We will happily move around light decor items (bowls of fruit, books, bar stool, etc.) and turn off lamps in order to best highlight the property as well as specific rooms. However, we cannot move furniture or de-clutter and clean a room for the homeowners or wait for someone else to complete that task. It is vitally important that the property is ready to be captured when we arrive.


How long until I receive the finished photos?


We have a 24 hr turn around time for all real estate photo packages. Timing is everything and we want you to be able to list you property, or use the photos as soon as possible!




The client receives the right to use the photos to market and sell the home as well as use to market themselves. However, the photos may not be used by a third party in their own marketing materials. For instance, if a real estate agent (client) is representing a builder, the agent has the exclusive right to use the photos to market the home and market their business. However, the builder could not use the same photos to market their business. In order to do to the builder would have to purchase the rights from the photographer. Likewise, if the builder was the client, then the real estate agent would have to purchase the right to the photographs.


How do I schedule a shoot?


All shoots must be scheduled through our booking tool on the website, which can be found here. We do not schedule shoots via email or text. However, feel free to contact us if you have any questions prior to booking.


What do I do if I want to reschedule or cancel a shoot?


Please contact us as soon as possible and we can help you with those arrangements. Real estate shoots can be changed up to 2 hours before the scheduled shoot time free of charge. Late reschedule requests, and cancellations, or rescheduling due to the photographer arriving at the property and is not prepared for the shoot, will result in a $75 reschedule fee.



What do you do if it is raining?


Weather is a huge factor in photography. To make sure the property will look its best we strive to not photograph if it's raining outside. Cloudy days are ok to still shoot on, but we are always happy to reschedule with you if you prefer a sunny day. If it is raining the day of the shoot, we will reach out about rescheduling options. You are also always welcome to reach out if you have weather concerns.


Will you photoshop the sky if it is cloudy?


We will photoshop in blue skies on 2 photos free of charge on a cloudy, overcast day. 


Do you shoot outside of Hamilton County, IN?


Yes, we will happily travel outside of our local area to shoot your property, however travel fees will apply. Please inquire for pricing on any property located 30 mins or more one way from zip code 46062.



Lifestyle FAQ


Photo Shoots Details
How many photos will you deliver?
That depends on which photo package you ordered. For specific details about what each photo package includes, please click here and then click the "read more" under the individual package you purchased.
How does licensing work? (and sharing on social media platforms):
The photographer owns all copyrights to the images created during sessions. A print release is given with each session to print for personal use but the images are not to be edited or altered in any way. The photographs we take may not be used by the client for advertising (or by any third party) without written agreement to the contrary.


*I work extremely hard to capture images that best reflect you and your family, while keeping with my artistic vision. I know you want to share them on your own social media pages, which is why I share sneak peeks. I simply ask that you link back to or share from my website/facebook page instead of right clicking and saving. Once you have received your complete photo package, feel free to share them on any social media platform you wish. However, please note that they are not to be altered in any way, including but not limited to, Instagram filters.


How long until I receive the finished photos?


We know waiting for photos is no fun. That is why we share a few sneak peak photos on our Facebook and Instagram pages within a few days of your shoot.


You will receive your full photo package within 3-4 weeks following your shoot (although we always strive for as soon as possible). 


How do I schedule a shoot?


All shoots must be scheduled through our booking tool on the website, which can be found here. We do not schedule shoots via email or text. However, feel free to contact us if you have any questions prior to booking.


What do I do if I want to reschedule or cancel a shoot, or need a refund?


Please contact us as soon as possible and we can help you with those arrangements. Lifestyle shoots can be rescheduled free of charge up to 48 hours before the session. Requests to cancel or reschedule under 48 hours will not be honored. We do not offer refunds expect for extreme circumstances (such as family death, health emergency, safety, etc.) and those are determined on a case by case basis by the photographer. 


Re-shoots, in their rarity, are determined based on the photographer's best availability. Re-shoots or refunds will not be given simply for poor choices of clothing, messy hair, misbehaved children, or by not following the recommendations of the photographer. 


What if it looks like rain (or other inclement weather)?
Weather can change at the drop of a hat. And since it plays such a huge part in a successful photo shoot, we understand it can make rescheduling a necessity. We monitor the weather constantly. If it looks like there is a potential for unwelcome weather the day of your shoot we will reach out to you a few days in advance to discuss options. Family photos and other occasions should be enjoyable, fun experiences, and we want you to have the best outcome possible. 
If a reschedule date can be determined (in the same calendar year), we will do so with no fee. If it is an event where "the show must go on", we will do our best to provide creative solutions to achieve the best possible photos. 
Do you shoot outside of Hamilton County, IN?


Yes, we will happily travel outside of our local area to shoot your property, however travel fees will apply. Please inquire for pricing on any shoot located 30 mins or more one way from zip code 46062.



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